Passive Aggressive Neighbors


Me in front of my Jeep

I hate passive aggressiveness.

To be honest, I used to be REALLY passive aggressive. I used to write nasty letters or emails to people instead of just confronting them face-to-face.

But then, I graduated high school.

I park my Jeep on my lawn in front of my house because our driveway isn’t big enough for both of our cars, it’s not big enough width or length wise. The street is also very narrow and people drive like maniacs in this neighborhood – speeding down the streets as if they’re Vin Diesel from Fast and the Furious. So I don’t like to park on the street, in fear that my car might get hit. It happens.

So I park on the lawn. My lawn. On my property. On a house that I own.

So today, I heard a weed whacker going off in what sounded like in our front yard. And low and behold, it WAS in our front yard.

So I walked out and was like, “What’s up.” At first, he pointed to the neighbors house. I didn’t flinch, I asked again, “What’s up? What are you doing?”

He turned his weed whacker off and said, “I’m the neighbors son, I was doing his lawn and thought I’d do yours.”

Sounds like a stand up neighbor, right? Our lawn wasn’t THAT bad, it was a tad overgrown, but just by a couple inches, really nothing serious.

But, I thought I’d let him go about his business cause, hey, it needed to get done, so why not.

Later, I go out to check the mail and there’s a note on my door that reads this:


My father lives next to you and we keep his place looking pretty good.

I trimmed your lawn weeds, they looked pretty bad. It’s a nice neighborhood when all the neighbors keep their lawns and houses up.

If you could move the jeep out of the lawn that would be better for the neighborhood.


Rage quickly built up as I resisted the urge to stomp over to his house and slam the note down his throat.

What the fuck business is it of his if I park on MY lawn, on MY property in front of MY house? Is my Jeep REALLY hurting anyone?

I could understand if the vehicle were a run down POS, but it’s not, it’s a 2008 Jeep Wrangler and it looks nice.

Not to mention the fact that he couldn’t just talk to me about it like a man, he had to write a passive aggressive note about it.

If it weren’t for Josh, I would have already had some choice word with the neighbor.

Like, minding your fucking business would be better for the neighborhood.

If I wanted to live somewhere with a neighborhood association with a bunch of BS rules, then I’d be living there. But I don’t. So either mind your own business or pick your balls up off the floor and come talk to me like a human being.

Point is, I’m not moving my Jeep.